Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Believing that we do things for others, for work, or for the divinity, is an illusion. Through each one of our doings we create our persona, we shape a character, we evolve emotionally and spiritually, and we finally transcend (or fail to transcend) the mundane meaning of life. Each one arounds us is a sacred means for the realisation of the self. All we do "for others" is a precious opportunity to manifest our highest self.


  1. I can see the sense of urgency in many seekers to do this and that in their path. With eternity up ahead, what's the hurry? I will appreciate your comment on this. Thank you.

  2. Everything in life is a process. Nothing stands still. If you make your best effort to keep your body still, thousands of processes will continue inside and outside your body so that your life continues to evolve. Our soul is the same. If you had taken a picture of your spiritual awareness 20 years ago, you would probably see that you were chasing chimeras, with many illusions that now you may find silly. People are in different stages of processes, regardless of their chronological age. Spirituality also has its youth, and becoming infatuated with illusions is a characteristic of youth. It is all valuable knowledge and experience towards a more mature state.
